

The Association of Greek Alumni of American Universities was founded in February 1952 and is an officially recognized non profit organization. It's first office was located at 9 Panepistimiou Street in Athens.


Its principal aims are to promote cultural and educational ties between Greece and the United States, to develop relations with American institutions of higher learning, and to promote the individual and collective interests of its members.


The Association is governed by a Board of a 9 members who are elected by the General Meeting. The Board elects the officers of the Association (President, Vice-President, Secretary General and Treasurer). Honorary President is Governor Michael Dukakis, candidate for President of the US in 1988. The Association has been hosted by the Hellenic American Union since 1957, which offers an office and makes available its facilities such as the Auditorium and Roof Garden free of charge.


The funds of the Association are derived from the annual subscriptions of its members. Without the support of the Hellenic American Union, our association would not be able to exist.




The main social activities of Greek Alumni of American Universities are:
(a) lectures given by members of the Association or prominent American and Greek scholars;
(b) trips and excursions;
(c) cocktail parties, dinners, cruises and other gatherings on special occasions.


The GAAU have sponsored several projects, such as the organization of a lending library in a suburb of Athens, and, in particular, a Community Improvement Project, which was implemented in a village near Athens, with an idea and efforts of our founding member Ms Harris Brissimi. For five years (1964-69) the Association maintained an office in the village of Varnavas with the help of a full-time social worker and a part-time project supervisor. Under the guidance of the social worker groups of women, girls and boys planned and carried out various programs and educational and cultural events such as lectures, films, showings, excursions and a village beautification drive. Books were collected to form a lending library which met with considerable success. In 1966 a nursery for pre-school age children was set up and run by the social worker. The Project presented provide social work students an opportunity for field work during the summer months.


The first and main phase of the Community Improvement Project ended on September 30, 1969. After that and up to June 30, 1970, until the final termination of the Project, the social worker continued to visit the village of Varnavas periodically in order to maintain contact with the community. During this second and final stage the Association supplied the financial means for establishing a fully equipped playground for elementary school children in the village.


The Project was mainly financed by grants from the Service Organization of Smith College, Northampton, Mass., and contributions from members and friends of the Association. Part of the necessary funds was also derived from the net proceeds of three tea and card-parties that were organized at the Athens Hilton in 1968, 1969 and 1970.


In addition to keeping regular contacts with the diplomatic and other representatives of the United States in Greece, as well as with American professors and Fulbright grantees, the Association also maintains friendly relations with similar organizations in other European countries. In particular, the Association sponsored and organized the Fourth Convention of European Fulbright Returnees Organizations which took place in Athens, in March 1964.




Article 2

The aims of the Association are:

1. To promote cultural ties between Greece and the United States of America.
2. To maintain intellectual relations between the members the members of the Association and American institutions of higher learning.
3. To supply information on the United States and American universities to those who intend to study in the States.
4. To obtain the just recognition of American academic degrees in Greece and, conversely, of Greek degrees in the United States.
5. To induce American scholars and students to visit this country and become acquainted with it.
6. To lend moral support to its members in their scientific career.
7. To promote either directly or indirectly the organization of professional groups from among its members for the purpose of attaining common scientific and professional aims.

(From the Charter of the Association)